mesheryctl registry generate

Generate Models


Prerequisite: Excecute this command from the root of a meshery/meshery repo fork.

Given a Google Sheet with a list of model names and source locations, generate models and components any Registrant (e.g. GitHub, Artifact Hub) repositories.

Generated Model files are written to local filesystem under /server/models/<model-name>.

mesheryctl registry generate [flags]


Generate Meshery Models from a Google Spreadsheet (i.e. β€œMeshery Integrations” spreadsheet).

mesheryctl registry generate --spreadsheet-id "1DZHnzxYWOlJ69Oguz4LkRVTFM79kC2tuvdwizOJmeMw" --spreadsheet-cred

Directly generate models from one of the supported registrants by using Registrant Connection Definition and (optional) Registrant Credential Definition

mesheryctl registry generate --registrant-def [path to connection definition] --registrant-cred [path to credential definition]


-h, --help help for generate -o, --output string location to output generated models, defaults to ../server/meshmodels (default "../server/meshmodel") --registrant-cred string path pointing to the registrant credetial definition --registrant-def string path pointing to the registrant connection definition --spreadsheet-cred string base64 encoded credential to download the spreadsheet --spreadsheet-id string spreadsheet it for the integration spreadsheet

Options inherited from parent commands

--config string path to config file (default "/home/runner/.meshery/config.yaml") -v, --verbose verbose output

See Also

Go back to command reference index, if you want to add content manually to the CLI documentation, please refer to the instruction for guidance.